On January 28th Setúbal welcomed the WYD DON BOSCO meeting for pre-adolescents, adolescents, and young adults from the Salesian presences of Setúbal and FMA of Setúbal, Vendas Novas and Faro. About 80 participants were involved, including young people, animators, Salesians, and Salesian Sisters.
The day’s program comprised various activities around the city that allowed the groups to walk in order to discover the figure of Don Bosco. An opportunity to grow in identity and in the joy of belonging to the Salesian Youth Movement, based on the founder of the charism that strongly awakens the dreams and the greatness of living in the youngest. The context of World Youth Day has fostered experiences and behaviours of going out and of service, awakening curiosity and interaction among onlookers.

The context of World Youth Day has fostered experiences and behaviours of going out and of service, awakening curiosity and interaction among onlookers.
The meeting began at the Santa Ana School of the FMA and ended in the church of St. Joseph with the Eucharist.

In the new presence of the Salesians, there was still leftover time for a Salesian Family lunch with the participants of the meeting, their families, Salesian Co-operators, friends, parishioners, Salesians, and Salesian Sisters.
January 28, 2023 was thus marked with this original initiative that favored the joy and pleasure that the young people experience in their relationship with the Father and Teacher of Youth.