WYD Lisbon 2023

WYD Patrons

>World Youth Day >WYD Patrons

Thirteen patrons have been chosen for World Youth Day Lisbon 2023. They are women, men and young people who, by their example, demonstrate that “the life of Christ fills and saves the youth of all time”.

The World Youth Day Patrons are models for young people, brothers and sisters in the faith, who want to share with all young people their own experience of having followed Jesus Christ. By their example, they want to show what has changed in their lives since they chose to follow Jesus.

The preparation, implementation and dynamism of each World Youth Day, which begins with the meeting of young people from all over the world with the Pope, is entrusted to patrons, saints and men and women who have been canonized or are in the process of canonization, and who are points of reference for the youth community.

Each of these patrons shows that the life of Christ fills and saves the youth of all time!

On your way!

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