The stage-altar, which will host the Vigil and the Final Mass of World Youth Day Lisbon 2023, celebrated by Pope Francis, was recently presented.
The Lisbon City Council (CML) clarifies that the infrastructure will serve the city in the future.
Set at a height of nine metres from the ground and with more than five thousand square metres – equivalent to half a football pitch – the stage-altar, which will be placed in Tejo-Trancão Park, will meet the requirements demanded by both the WYD Foundation (promoter of the meeting) and the Holy See.
The stage, which will host around two thousand people, including priests, the choir, sign language, orchestra, staff, technical team, and everything that involves an event of this size, will also have lifts for reduced mobility, as well as a connection to a main staircase. “Naturally, we are aware of the importance of this event, we are aware of the need to respond in time to everything that is being asked of us – and we are being asked a lot, in many different areas, and it is a great challenge in terms of organisation,” stressed CML vice-president Anacoreta Correia.
The infrastructure will cost over 4.2 million euros, and will be a very large investment for the city of Lisbon, but it will serve, in the future, to host other international events. “We want this stage, this infrastructure, to remain for the future,” said the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas.