Energy, trust and faith: SYM youth celebrate special day at WYD Lisbon 2023

>News >Energy, trust and faith: SYM youth celebrate special day at WYD Lisbon 2023

SYM Day was the day dedicated to the Salesian Youth Movement at World Youth Day.

On August 2, the more than 8000 young people of the Salesian Youth Movement registered for World Youth Day 2023 met in Estoril with the Rector Major of the Salesians and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Under the name “SYM DAY”, Salesian Youth Movement Day, this meeting aims, on the one hand, to make young people aware of the multiculturalism of Don Bosco’s charism and, on the other, to live together, a day of joy, in an oratory environment, the spirituality of the charism with which they identify.

The afternoon began in a festive atmosphere. At different points in the courtyards of the Salesian school there were traditional games. In a central point, a stage gave prominence to groups of different nationalities who shared songs and dances typical of their country. The Philharmonic Band of Poiares led the thousands of young people through music to the enclosure where they would attend the central show of the afternoon and, later, the Prayer Vigil.

These two moments had the artistic direction of Margarida Garcês who, she confesses, was the result of a lot of “good will”, “energy”, “confidence”, but especially a lot of “faith”. For Pedro Alvadia, who was entrusted with the musical direction of the pianist, this work “was only possible thanks to the great dedication in the rehearsals and their consistency”.

Inspired by the dream of the 9 years and the dream of the two columns, the coordinating team of SYM DAY sought that the young people were “energetically available” to participate, without being afraid to move forward, always keeping in mind, the union.

“Together” and “chilling”, were the words chosen by Pedro and Margarida to define this meeting that only takes place as part of the World Youth Days.

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