Being young: Opening the cage doors and flying away

>Opinion >Being young: Opening the cage doors and flying away

It’s not easy being young today. In everything that is advertising, there is a feeling that we have to be “eternally young”, in an all-too-widespread Peter Pan complex of, consciously and unconsciously, not wanting to grow up.

A fallacy of a thousand words, the fact is that, despite all the praise for the lives of young people, they continue to be “the most delicate portion of human society” (Biographical Memories of St. John Bosco, II, 45), eager for those who accompany them, listen, be present to discover and encourage the “starting points, inner energies that await, available, a word of encouragement, light and encouragement” (Christus vivit, 84). They are young, Lord! But seeded with a permanent frustration to grow. They are a possibility of “beauty” and “renewal” in society and in the Church (ChV, 37). However, in our contexts, there has never been a generation so educated, so prepared, and simultaneously so dependent and vulnerable, with such justified and limited self-esteem. Despite the non-conformity of some and the prophetic manifestations of others, young people continue not to be considered: “why so much effort if later”… But still, you have to believe. Know better, love more, to help you grow. Because those who believe, launch challenges of high measure. Believe in the possibilities of each one. And it generates life, hope, optimism and confidence. As Pope Francis wrote in Christus vivit: “Young people, do not give up the best of your youth, do not remain watching life from the balcony. Do not confuse happiness with a sofa or spend your whole life in front of a screen. And neither do you reduce yourselves to the sad spectacle of an abandoned vehicle. Do not be parked cars, but let dreams sprout and make decisions. Even if you are wrong, take the risk. Do not survive with an anesthetized soul, nor look at the world as if you were a tourist. Make yourselves heard! Throw away the fears that paralyze you, so as not to become mummified young people. Live! Surrender yourselves to the best of life! I opened the cage doors and flew out! Please, do not retire prematurely” (ChV, 143). Being young is all that and more. But let’s not force young people to be something else: let young people be young!

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