WYD: registrations open

>News >WYD: registrations open

October 23 was marked by the official opening of registration for the 37th World Youth Day, which will take place from 1 to 6 August 2023 in Lisbon, and will have the theme “Mary got up and departed in haste” (Lk 1:39).

Pope Francis was the first pilgrim to register for the largest gathering of young people in the world and did so during the recitation of the Angelus in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican in Rome.

Accompanying the Holy Father during the announcement of the opening of registrations, made from the window of the Apostolic Palace, were two young Portuguese students of the Erasmus programme in Rome: Maria de Assis, born in Lisbon and studying architecture; and Diana Lourenço Gonçalves, born in Braga and studying medicine, both at La Sapienza University.

With the main objective of placing Jesus at the centre of the faith and life of every young person, so that He becomes their point of reference and their true light, the World Youth Day is intended to promote peace, unity and fraternity among peoples and nations throughout the world.

At this time, the opening of registration means, as Bishop Américo Aguiar, President of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Foundation and general coordinator, said, “a new milestone for the organization of WYD Lisbon 2023. In addition, and since everyone is invited to participate in this international gathering, it will be possible to “welcome youth from around the world to Portugal and offer them a unique experience,” he adds.

It should be noted that different types of packages are available which include a differentiated set of services, such as accommodation, food, transport and security, as well as a pilgrim’s kit.

All information about WYD Lisbon 2023 is available on the website: https://www.lisboa2023.org/pt/.

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